May J. Panayi

The Sun Trilogy
The Sun trilogy comprises three books: Sun Sea and Secrets, Return to Aegos, and In Search of Small Treasures. The stories are of love, in the many senses of the word: love between friends, romantic love- but the door is shut for privacy, love of strangers and neighbours alike, love of cats, love of Greek food and scenery, and more. The stories immerse you in the lives of the characters, and the pace of Greek life in the Sun.

In Search of Small Treasures
In Search of Small Treasures is the third in the Sun trilogy, concluding the story of the Greek friends and their island lives. It can be read alone, but you will probably enjoy it more if you read the other two books as well. I am releasing a trilogy shortly, which might be a better choice if you are new to the series. It has been a long wait for the conclusion of this series, but here it is. A tale of love, friendship and cats, lots of cats. This is not a traditional romance, no steamy scenes, unless you count the hot Greek sunshine. The style can best be described as immersive. Lose yourself on a sleepy Greek island, where priorities are different, and people take time to care about each other.
Sun Sea and Secrets
My best selling kindle book.
Set on a beautiful Greek island in the sun, this is a tale of mystery and searching. Ella is looking for someone whose name she does not even know. The islanders are friendly and welcoming, but everyone, it seems, has a secret of their own. The island is paradise, but what secrets does paradise hide under stunning vistas, and overwhelming scents? Can Ella find who she is searching for? Will she find the answers she needs? What else will she find along the way?
A story of Love in all its forms, love of Greece, love between past characters, new love between friends, cats, nature, and of food.
“As the story unfolds, it makes you feel that you are there in person to share every moment of this compelling tale. But your patience will be rewarded as the last unsolved link is finally resolved.” M.
“I was able to engage with all my senses and really feel Greece....I was really able to connect with each of the characters. I cried, I laughed, I cried some more and throughout the book, I probably had a smile on my face.” S.R.
“A very enjoyable way to pass a winter's evening while looking forward to my next summer holiday.” B.
“I was looking for something to make me forget that it's cold outside.... for a non-traveller like me, I look for books like this that take me places.” L.J.B.

Return to Aegos
Return to Aegos is a continuing story of life on a Greek island, but can be read alone as well as part of a series. In this book, lots of the characters are coming back to the island, some finding family and rebuilding bonds, others finding love. All set against a backdrop of Greek island settings that will make you feel as if you are strolling in the Greek sun as you read. Magnificent scenery, great views, hospitable Greeks, boats, fabulous food, and of course, the cats. Life, the Greek way, goes on, against a backdrop of beauty and warmth.
“An excellent book that entices the reader to follow in the author's footsteps.” F.S.B.
“A tranquil tale that will immerse you in the delights of the story, the Greek family and kinship and most wonderfully – the atmosphere.” B.R.
“Seriously, May Panayi should be on a salary from the Greek Tourist Board!” M.K.
“I felt I was back in Greece, experiencing the wonderful culture and food.” B.
Escape to Europe
A young doctor and his family wake to a bombed out, former home, and begin a long journey towards safety- not knowing what perils the journey will bring.
A man filled with racist hatred, sets out to take the law into his own hands. Along the way he finds more than he bargained for.
An idealistic girl wants to do something to help right the problems she sees in the world, but things don’t turn out as she expects.
The sister of religious extremists, owned like property by her terrorist brothers; is desperate to make some sort of life for herself.
Politicians and the media pull the strings both behind the scenes, and on the public stage. Where will it all end?
“A strong and controversial read that will surely divide opinions.” W.
“Given the recent events in GB over Brexit, I applaud the author for creating one possible scenario that may develop.” R.
"I suspect the alarming scenario of the last couple of pages, together with its consequences, is actually all too likely." M.K.
“This is totally different... loads of emotion here, compassion and pain... but reflective... and above all gripping... highly recommended.” AC.
Sun Sea and Secrets plus Return to Aegos
Books one and two in the Sun series, see individual descriptions above, together in one volume.
“If you love the scenery and atmosphere of the Greek islands - you will love this” B.R.
“A great feel-good collection.” M.K.
“Want to go on holiday now!” A.C.

Malbed Mews

A brand new block of flats in the centre of the city, a luxury residence, or so the new inhabitants think. But these flats have a secret and they are not so new after all, just refurbished and modernised. What were they before? A dark past hides in the brickwork, waiting to be discovered. It seems that perhaps all the previous residents have not yet left the premises. Something else lives there too. Something much darker, awoken by a storm. The pioneer first residents, are in for the rides of their lives, or deaths. Dare you enter the darkness within?
“I absolutely loved this novel and would recommend it to anyone who likes horror and mystery.” T
“It was the first book I have read from this talented writer and I know I will be back for more.” P
“A thoroughly enjoyable read, in a genre that is difficult to succeed, I would easily buy another from this talented author.” W
“The book contained adult themes which were well written and kept me on the edge of my seat, biting my nails.” I.T.
Four To Dawn
Four women trapped in an office block over a bank holiday weekend. What is their story and why?
An office building is locked up for the bank holiday weekend. Four characters all happen to have hidden inside for their own personal reasons. They have lots of time to reflect on their life. Is this a voyage of personal discovery? A psychological drama? A journey into mental illness? A collection of reminiscences?
Why are they there? Does anyone notice lights in a building that should be deserted? Or hear things? Who comes out?
An unusual psychological drama, telling a unique story, in an unorthodox and often extremely sexually explicit way.
“Brilliantly portrayed and to be honest after the ending, it made me want to read it again.” W.C.
“It is impossible to put down and fascinating reading.” K.G.
“Like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car, not knowing whether to be amazed, shocked, admiring, puzzled or horrified.” L.C.
“All is revealed at the end and I was blindsided.” B.L.
“ The book is brutal in its honesty and breath-taking in the way it drags the reader into the stories.” M.F.

Tales from the Library of a Twisted Mind
Tales from the Library of a Twisted Mind is a collection of dark short stories, having a common theme of being a bit warped. Perhaps not the best bedtime reading.
Tales to thrill, shock and tantalise. With fore and after words on each story by the author.
"Gripping collection; kept me up well past my bedtime." JM
"I enjoyed these shorts, they were different and interesting." BB
"The short story is an artform all to itself, this is a colourful representation of that art." ORW
Oddscapes and Quirkitudes
Oddscapes and Quirkitudes is an eclectic collection of somewhat outre short stories, in the traditional fashion of just a bunch of stories, as opposed to a book full of one particular subject. They vary in both length and style. Some are decidedly odd, whereas others are quite dark and most definitely adult. Some are a journey into the human psyche, whereas others journey to the impossible. Dive in, I'm sure you will find something to entertain, whatever your tastes. Prepare yourself for weirdness.
“Colourful tales woven from a rich tapestry with a lyrical voice, and beautiful poetic imagery.” T.H.
“This collection shows her ability to tell a story, take you on a short journey, and then stop, start with something new. That is the true essence of a short story collection, they are snippets of life, love and little journeys.” B.R.
“Oddscapes and Quirkitudes are rich, dark, at times lyrical, thought provoking and enthralling stories.” M.
“I loved the pagan and new age element to many of the stories as it struck a chord with my own interests.” B.
Bedtime Storybook
A book of stories to read to, or with, children at bedtime. Stories with old fashioned values and morals. Stories that will be a joy to read, and a joy for them to listen to. Nine unique tales. A book of bedtime or anytime stories. Fun adventures and fantasies with moral and ethical values.
“I particularly liked the story of Panpuss’ adventures and how the cat came alive off the page with narrative like, “the night smelt like a big adventure” and “If only they would learn the basics of cat language they wouldn’t have to worry…” His adventure is filled with fun and surprises,” L.
“Read this to your children and I promise you will enjoy it just as much. Fun stories and wonderful messages we could all learn from” W.
“The narrative is clear and doesn't talk down to the reader, which is very important where kids are concerned. Every story has some little lesson in it that it's important for young folks to grasp, but it doesn't beat them around the head with it,” M.K.